Clinical calculations : with applications to general and specialty areas / created by Joyce LeFever Kee, Sally M. Marshall, Katy Woods and Mary Catherine by
- Kee, LeFever Joyce [author., RN, MS, Associate Professor, Emerita, College of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.]
- Marshall, Sally M [author., RN, MSN, Formerly, Nursing Service, Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Office of Medical Center, Wilmington, Delware.]
- Woods, Katy [author., RN, BSN, DNP-C, Nurse, Anesthesia Specialty, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland]
- Forrester, Mary Catherine [author., RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, Vanderbilt University Hospital Trauma and Burn Center, Nashville, Tennessee]
Edition: Eighth edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Elsevier, 2017Copyright date: Ⓒ2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (3)Call number: RS57 CLI, ...