Deviance and social control : a sociological perspective / Michelle Inderbitzin, Kristin A. Bates and Randy R. Gainey
Material type:
- text
- unmediated
- volume
- 9781506327914 (pbk. : alk. paper)
- HM811 IND
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter 1. Introduction to DevianceReadings Morgen L. Thomas. "Sick/Beautiful/Freak: Nonmainstream Body Modification and the Social Construction of Deviance Ralph Wahrman. "Status, Deviance, and Sanctions: A Critical Review." Andrew Ross. "Anti-Social Debts."Chapter 2. The Diversity of DevianceReadings Denise M. Reiling. "The 'Simmie' Side of Life: Old Order Amish Youths' Affective Response to Culturally Prescribed Deviance." Peter Conrad, Julia Bandini, and Alexandria Vasquez. "Illness and the Internet: From Private to Public Experience" Albert Bandura, Gian-Vittorio Caprara, ad Laszlo Zsolnai. "Corporate Transgressions Through Moral Disengagement"Chapter 3. Researching DevianceReadings Marybeth Ayella. "They Must be Crazy: Some of the Difficulties in Researching 'Cults.'" Raymond M. Lee and Claire M. Renzetti. "The Problems of Researching Sensitive Topics: An Overview and Introduction" Thomas J. Linneman. "Reefer Normal"Chapter 4. Anomie/Strain TheoryReadings Randol Contreras. "Becoming a Stickup Kid." Stjepan G. Mestrovic and Ronald Lorenzo. "Durkheim's Concept of Anomie and the Abuse at Abu Ghraib." Robert Agnew. "A General Strain Theory of Terrorism."Chapter 5. Social Disorganization TheoryReadings Robert J. Sampson. "Rethinking Crime and Immigration" John Logan. "Life and Death in the City: Neighborhoods in Context" David Weisburd, Elizabeth R. Groff, Sue-Ming Yang. "The Importance of Both Opportunity and Social Disorganization Theory in a Future Research Agenda to Advance Criminological Theory and Crime Prevention at Places."Chapter 6. Differential Association and Social Learning TheoryReadings Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Michael Capece, and Helena Alden. "Liquor is Quicker: Gender and Social Learning Among College Students" Heather Z. Mui, Paloma Sales, and Sheigla B. Murphy. "Everybody's Doing It: Initiation to Prescription Drug Misuse." Whitney D. Gunter. "Piracy on the High Speeds: A Test of Social Learning Theory on Digital Piracy among College Students"Chapter 7. Social Control Theories of DevianceReadings Ben-Zion Cohen and Ruth Zeira. "Social Control, Delinquency, and Victimization Among Kibbutz Adolescents." Lloyd C. Harris and Alexia Dumas. "Online Consumer Misbehaviour: An Application of Neutralization Theory." Amy Schalet. "Sex, Love, and Autonomy in the Teenage Sleepover."Chapter 8. Labeling TheoryReadings William J. Chambliss. "The Saints and the Roughnecks." David L. Rosenhan. "On Being Sane in Insane Places."Chapter 9. Marxist and Conflict Theories of DevianceReadings Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. "The Communist Manifesto." W. E. B. Du Bois. "The Spawn of Slavery: The Convict-Lease System in the South." David G. Embrick. "Two Nations, Revisited: The Lynching of Black and Brown Bodies, Police Brutality, and the Racial Control in 'Post-Racial' Amerikkka."Chapter 10. Critical Theories of DevianceReadings Polly F. Radosh. "Reflections on Women's Crime and Mothers in Prison: A Peacemaking Approach." Suruchi Thapar-Bjoerkert and Karen J. Morgan. "'But Sometimes I Think?.?.?.?They Put Themselves in the Situation': Exploring Blame and Responsibility in Interpersonal Violence." Mary Romero. "Racial Profiling and Immigration Law Enforcement: Rounding Up of Usual Suspects in the Latino Community."Chapter 11. Social Control of DevianceReadings Michelle Inderbitzin. "Lessons From a Juvenile Training School: Survival and Growth." Bruce Western. "Incarceration, Inequality, and Imagining Alternatives."Chapter 12. Deviant Careers and Career DevianceReadings Kathleen Thiede Call and Donna D. McAlpine. "Harry Potter and the Wise and Powerful Life Course Theorist" Mark R. Rank. "As American as Apple Pie: Poverty and Welfare" Jeffrey T. Ulmer and J. William Spencer. "The Contributions of an Interactionist Approach to Research and Theory on Criminal Careers."Chapter 13. Global Perspectives on Deviance and Social ControlReadings Sundari Anitha and Aisha K. Gill. "A Moral Panic? The Problematization of Forced Marriage in British Newspapers." Daniel Chirot and Jennifer Edwards. "Making Sense of the Senseless: Understanding Genocide." Sharmila Rudrappa. "India's Reproductive Assembly Line."
This book offers a clear overview of issues and perspectives in the field, including introductions to classic and current sociological theories as well as research on definitions and causes of deviance and reactions to deviant behaviour.
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