Farquharson's textbook of operative general surgery / edited by Margaret Farquharson, James Hollingshead and Brendan Moran by
- Farquharson, Margaret [editor; FRCSEd; Formerly consultant surgeon, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, Basingstoke, UK.]
- Hollingshead, James [editor; MSc, FRCS (Gen Surg); Surgical Registrar, North West Thames, London, UK.]
- Moran, Brendan [editor; MCh, FRCSI; Consultant Surgeon, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, Basingstoke, UK; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Southampton University, Southampton, UK.]
Edition: Tenth edition
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: CRC Press; Taylor and Francis group, 2015Copyright date: ©2015
Other title: - Textbook of operative general surgery
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (5)Call number: RD32 FAR, ...