Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry created by Frank J Dowd; Barton S Johnson; Angelo J Mariotti by
- Dowd, Frank J [Author - DDS, PhD, Professor Emeritus Pharmacology Creighton University, School of Medicine and School of Dentistry Omaha, Nebraska]
- Johnson, Barton S [Author - DDS, MS, Director, General Practice Residency Program Swedish Medical Center Private Practice Seattle Special Care Dentistry Seattle, Washington]
- Mariotti, Angelo J [Author - DDS, PhD, Professor and Chair Periodontology The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio]
Edition: 7th
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: St. Louis, Missouri Elsevier, Inc. 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (2)Call number: RM300 DOW, ...
Dental implant prosthetics / created by Carl E. Misch by - Misch, Carl E [Author - DDS, MDS, PhD(HC), Clinical Professor and Past Director Oral Implant Dentistry Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry Department of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Past Clinical Professor University of Michigan School of Dentistry Department of Periodontics/Geriatrics Ann Arbor, Michgan, Past Adjunct Professor University of Detroit School of Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry Detroit, Michgan, Adjunct Professor University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Engineering Birmingham, Alabama, Founder Misch International Implant Institute Beverly Hills, Michigan]
Edition: Second edition
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Elsevier Mosby, 2015Copyright date: ©2015
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (8)Call number: RK667.I45 MIS, ...
McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent / edited by Jeffrey A. Dean, James E. Jones, DMD, MSD, EdD, PhD,, LaQuia A. Walker Vinson, DDS, MPH by
- Dean, Jeffrey A. (Jeffrey Alan) [Editor - DDS, MSD, , Chief of Staff, Office of the Chancellor, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Ralph E. McDonald Professor of Pediatric Dentistry and Professor of Orthodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health, Indianapolis, Indiana,]
- Avery, David R [Editor - DMD, MSD, EdD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana]
- McDonald, Ralph E, 1920- [Editor - DDS, MPH, Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana.]
Edition: Tenth
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: St. Louis, Missouri Elsevier, 2016
Other title: - Dentistry for the child and adolescent
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (3)Call number: RC55.5 DEA, ...
Merrill's atlas of radiographic positioning & procedures / created by Bruce W. Long, Jeannean Hall Rollins, Barbara J. Smith by
- Long, Bruce W [Author - MS, RT(R)(CV), FASRT, FAEIRS, Director and Associate Professor, Radiologic Imaging and Sciences Programs, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana. ]
- Smith, Barbara J [Author - MRC, BSRT(R)(CV), Associate Professor, Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Department, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas]
- Smith, Barbara J [Author - MS, RT(R)(QM), FASRT, FAEIRS, Instructor, Radiologic Technology, Medical Imaging Department, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon.]
Edition: Thirteenth
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (7)Call number: RC78.4 LON, ...
Nutritional foundations and clinical applications : a nursing approach / created by Michele Grodner, Sylvia Escott-Stump, Suzanne Dorner by
- Grodner, Michele [author, Professor - Departmet of Public Health, William Paterson University, Wayne - New Jersey]
- Escott-Stump, Sylvia [author, MA, RD, LDN; President, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2011-2012 , Director, Dietetic Internship; East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina]
- Dorner, Suzanne [author, BSN, RN, CCRN; Clinical Nurse - Medical Intensive Care Unit, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, Florida]
Edition: Sixth edition
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Elsevier Mosby, 2016Copyright date: ©2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (6)Call number: RM216 GRO, ...
Pharmacology for the primary care provider created by Marilyn W Edmunds, Maren S Mayhew and Stephen M Setter by
- Edmunds, Marilyn W [author - PhD, ANP/GNP-C, Adjunct Faculty, School of Nursing - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland]
- Mayhew, Maren S [author - MS, ANP, Nurse Practitioner, Baltsville, Maryland]
- Setter, Stephen M [Consultant - PharmD, DVM, CDE, CGP, FASCP., Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada]
Edition: Fourth
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (5)Call number: RM301.28 EDM, ... Not available: Medical School: Checked out (1).
Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures / edited and authored by Cynthia C. Chernecky, Barbara J. Berger. by
- Chernecky, Cynthia C [author, PhD, RN,CNS,AOCN,FAAN, Professor Department of Physiological and Technological Nursing College of Nursing Georgia Regents University Augusta Augusta, Georgia]
- Berger, Barbara J [author, MSN,RN,CNS, Director of Clinical Management Summacare, Inc, Akron, Ohio]
- Chernecky, Cynthia C [editor, PhD, RN,CNS,AOCN,FAAN, Professor Department of Physiological and Technological Nursing College of Nursing Georgia Regents University Augusta Augusta, Georgia]
Edition: 6th
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: St. Louis, Missouri Elsevier, c2013
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (4)Call number: RB38.2 CHE, ...
Diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry / edited by Stephen J. Stefanac and Samuel P. Nesbit by
- Stefanac, Stephen J [editor, DDS, MS, Senior Associate Dean, Associate Dean for Patient Services, Professor, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, The University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan.]
- Nesbit, Samuel Paul [editor, DDS, MS, Clinical Professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.]
Edition: 3rd edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (3)Call number: RK318 DIA, ...
Orthopedic management of the hip and pelvis / edited by Scott W Cheatham and Morey J Kolber by
- Cheatham, Scott W [Editor - PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS, Assistant Professor, Director, Pre-Physical Therapy Program, Division of Kinesiology - California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, California,, President and CEO - National Institute of Restorative Exercise, Inc., Torrance, California,]
- Kolber, Morey J [editor - PT, PhD, OCS, Cert. MDT, CSCS*D, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy - Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Director of Physical Therapy, Boca Raton Orthopaedic Group, Boca Raton, Florida.]
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, [2016]Copyright date: ©2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (1)Call number: RD549 CHE.
Functional neurosurgery and neuromodulation created by Kim J Burchiel and Ahmed M Raslan by
- Burchiel, Kim J [Author - MD, FACS, John Raaf Professor and Head Divion of Functional Neurosurgery Department of Neurological Surgery - Oregon Health and Science University Portland, OR, United States]
- Raslan, Ahmed [Author - MD, FAANS, Associate Professor in Neurological Surgery - Oregon Health and Science University Portland, OR, United States]
Material type: Text; Literary form: Language: English
Publication details: St.Louis, Missouri Elsevier 2019
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (3)Call number: RD593 BUR, ...
Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests / Kathleen Deska Pagana and Timothy J. Pagana by
- Pagana, Kathleen Deska, 1952- [author, PhD, RN., Professor Emeritus, Department of nursing, Lycoming College, President, Pagana keynotes and presentations, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.]
- Pagana, Timothy James, 1949- [editor.]
- Pagana Timothy J [author, MD, FACS., Medical Director Emeritus, The Kathryn Candor Lundy Breast Health Center and the SurgiCenter, Susquenna Health System, Williamsport, Pennsylvania .]
Edition: Fifth Edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby, 2014Copyright date: ©2014
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (1)Call number: RB83.2 PAG.
Immunology & serology in laboratory medicine / created by Mary Louise Turgeon. by - Turgeon, Mary Louise [author., EdD, MLS()ASCP) cm; Clinical Laboratory Education consultant, Mary L. Turgeon and associates, Boston, Massachusetts, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education consultant, Northeastern University, College of Professional studies, Boston, Massachusetts; Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.]
Edition: Sixth edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2018Publisher: ©2018
Other title: - Immunology and serology in laboratory medicine
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (7)Call number: RB46.5 TUR, ...
Introduction to health services administration / edited by Jaime Nguyen, MD, MPH, MS, Senior Program Director, Medical Assistant and Patient Care Technician Program, Virginia College in Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. by
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2018Copyright date: ©2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (3)Call number: RA399.A1 INT, ...
Mosby's dental dictionary / edited by David R. Avery and Tabitha Chen by
- Avery, David R [[DDS, MSD], Ralph E. McDonald Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Dentistry, Indiana, University School of Dentistry, James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, IN]
- Chen, Tabitha [DDS, Postgraduate Periodontics and Implant Surgery, UCLA, School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA]
Edition: Third edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (8)Call number: RK27 MOS, ...
Clinical chemistry : fundamentals and laboratory techniques created by Donna Larson - EdD, MT (ASCP), DLM, Vice President for Academic and student affairs, Clatsop Community College, - PhD, DABCC Astoria, Oregon. Assistant Professor of Pathology and laboratory science, Weill Cornell Medical College,- PhD, DABCC Technical Director, Boston heart diagnostics, Framington, Massachusetts by
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier/Saunders, 2017
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (7)Call number: RB40 LAR, ...
Peters' atlas of tropical medicine and parasitology / created by Laura Nabarro, Stephen Morris-Jones and David A.J. Moore, by
- Nabarro, Laura [author., Specialist Registrar in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Hospital for Tropical Diseases, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK,]
- Morris-Jones, Stephen [author, MA, MBBS, MSc, MRCP, FRCPath, DTM&H, Consultant in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK,]
- Moore, David A. J [author, MBChB, MRC,P MD, MSc, DTM&H, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Department of Clinical Research, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.]
Edition: Seventh edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: [St. Louis, Missouri] : Elsevier, 2019Copyright date: ©2019
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (1)Call number: RC961 NAB.
Modalities for massage and bodywork / Elaine Stillerman, LMT, Founder, MotherMassage, New York, New York ; foreword by Judi Calvert, Massage Historian, President, Hands On Trade Association. by
Edition: Second edition.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier/Mosby, 2016Copyright date: ©2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Medical School (1)Call number: RM721 STI.