TY - BOOK AU - Jørgensen,Sven Erik AU - Fath,Brian D. TI - Global ecology: a derivative of encyclopedia of ecology SN - 9780444638304 (pbk) AV - QH540.4 GLO PY - 2010/// PB - Elsevier KW - Ecology KW - Encyclopedias KW - Biosphere N1 - Includes bibliographical references and index; 1. Introduction2. Abiotic and Biotic Diversity in the Biosphere p.1-43. Anthropospheric and Antropogenic Impact on the Biosphere 204-2104. Astrobiology 272-2755. Biogeocoenosis as an Elementary Unit of Biogeochemical Work in the Biosphere p.396-4036. Biosphere. Vernadsky's Concept p.467-4717. Deforestration p.853-8608. Environmental and Biospheric Impacts of Nuclear War p.1314-13219. Evolution of Oceans p.1445-145810. Evolution of 'Prey-Predator' Systems p.1458-146411. Fungi and Their Role in he Biosphere p.1709-171712. Gaia Hypothesis p.1727-173113. Hydrosphere p.1923-193014. Noosphere p.2533-253615. Pedosphere p.2665-267016. Phenomenon of Life: General Aspects p.2689-270117. Structure and History of Life p.3403-341618. Calcium Cycle p.507-51319. Carbon Cycle p.517-52820. Energy Balance p.1276-129021. Energy Flows in the Biosphere p.1290-129722. Entropy and Entropy Flows in the Biosphere p.1306-131423. Information and Information Flows in the Biosphere p.19875-197824. Iron Cycle p.2028-203325. Matter and Matter Flows in the Biosphere p.2279-229226. Microbial Cycles p.2328-233527. Nitrogen Cycle p.2526-253328. Oxygen Cycle 2609-261529. Phosphorus Cycle p.2715-272430. Radiation Balance and Solar Radiation Spectrum 2951-295631. Radionuclides : Their Biochemical Cycles and the Impacts on the Biosphere p.2966-297532. Sulphur Cycle 3424-343133. Water Cycle 3724-372934. Xenobiotics Cycles 3821-383135. Agriculture p.76-8536. Material and Metal Ecology p.2247-226137. Methane in the Atmosphere 2325-232838. Monitoring, Observations and Remoste Sensing-Global Dimensions p.2425-244639. Ocean Currents and Their Role in the Biosphere p.2553-255940. Precipitation Pattern 2916-292341. Temperature Pattern p.3504-350942. Urbanization as a Global Process p.3672-367943. Weathering p.3770-377644. Climate Change 1: Short-Term Dynamics p.588-59245. Climate Change 2: Long-Term Dynamics p.592-59846. Climate Change 3: History and Current State p.598-60347. Coevolution of the Biosphere and Climate p.648-65948. Global Change Impacts on the Biosphere p.1736-174149. Ecological Stoichiometry: Overview p.1101-111750. Ecosystem Patterns and Processes p.1139-114851. Evolutionary and Biochemical Aspects p.1472-148152. Organisal Ecophysiology p.2587-259653. Population and Community Interactions p.2891-290154. Trace Elements p.3564-3573 ER -