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Foreword <br/> Scientific Committee <br/> Financial Support <br/>1 Adsorption of argon and xenon in silica controlled porous glass: A grand canonical Monte-Carlo study [et al.] / R. J.-M. Pellenq, A. Deliville, H. van Damme 1<br/>2 The role of isosteric enthalpy of adsorption in micropore characterisation: A simulation study / D. Nicholson, N. Quirke 11<br/>3 Capillary condensation and hysteresis in disordered porous materials / L. Sarkisov, P. A. Monson 21<br/>4 Molecular simulation study on freezing in nano-pores [et al.] / M. Miyahara, H. Kanda, K. Higashitani 31<br/>5 Characterisation of porous materials using density functional theory and molecular simulation / C. M. Lastoskie, K. E. Gubbins 41<br/>6 Density functional theory of adsorption hysteresis and nanopore characterisation / A. V. Neimark, P. I. Ravikovitch 51<br/>7 Characterisation of controlled pore glasses: Molecular simulations of adsorption / L. D. Gelb, K. E. Gubbins 61<br/>8 A new method for the accurate pore size analysis of MCM-41 and other silicia based mesoporous materials [et al.] / M. Jaroniec, M. Kruk, J. P. Olivier 71<br/>9 Comparison of the experimental isosteric heat of adsorption of argon on mesoporous silica with density functional theory calculations / J. P. Olivier 81<br/>10 A computational exploration of cation locations in high-silica Ca-Chabazite [et al.] / T. Grey, J. Gale, D. Nicholson 89<br/>11 Density functional theory: Diatomic nitrogen molecules in graphite pores / N. N. Neugebauer, M. v. Szombathely 99<br/>12 Modelling studies of the influence of macroscopic structural heterogeneities on nitrogen sorption hysteresis / S. P. Rigby 111<br/>13 Condensation-evaporation processes in simulated heterogeneous three-dimensional porous networks [et al.] / S. Cordero, I. Kornhauser, C. Felipe 121<br/>14 Characterisation of porous solids for gas transport [et al.] / O. Solcova, H. Snajdaufova, V. Hejtmanek 131<br/>15 Experimental and simulation studies of melting and freezing in porous glasses [et al.] / M. Sliwinska-Bartkowiak, J. Gras, R. Sikorski 141<br/>16 A fast two-point method for gas adsorption measurements [et al.] / J. A. Poulis, C. H. Massen, E. Robens 151<br/>17 Rational design, tailored synthesis and characterisation of ordered mesoporous silicas in the micron and submicron size range [et al.] / M. Grun, G. Buchel, D. Kumar 155<br/>18 Relationship between intrinsic pore-wall corrugation and adsorption hysteresis of N[subscript 2], O[subscript 2], and Ar on regular mesopores [et al.] / S. Inoue, H. Tanaka, Y. Hanzawa 167<br/>19 Study of the morphology of porous silica materials / C. Alie, R. Pirard, J.-P. Pirard 177<br/>20 Adsorption hysteresis and criticality in regular mesoporous materials / S. K. Bhatia, C. G. Sonwane 187<br/>21 Comprehensive structural characterisation of MCM-14: From mesopores to particles / C. G. Sonwane, A. D. McLennan, S. K. Bhatia 197<br/>22 Characterisation of mesoporous MCM-41 adsorbents by various techniques / J. Goworek, W. Stefaniak, A. Borowka 207<br/>23 Characterisation of mesoporous molecular sieves containing copper and zinc: An adsorption and TPR study / M. Hartmann 215<br/>24 On the applicability of the Horwath-Kawazoe method for pore size analysis of MCM-41 and related mesoporous materials / M. Jaroniec, J. Choma, M. Kruk 225<br/>25 Dynamic and structural properties of confined phases (hydrogen, methane and water) in MCM-41 samples (19A, 25A and 40A) [et al.] / J. P. Coulomb, N. Floquet, Y. Grillet 235<br/>26 Estimating pore size distribution from the differential curves of comparison plots / H. Y. Zhu, G. Q. Lu 243<br/>27 Rotational state change of acetonitrile vapor on MCM-41 upon capillary condensation with the aid of time-correlation function analysis of IR spectroscopy [et al.] / H. Tanaka, A. Matsumoto, K. K. Unger 251<br/>28 Systematic sorption studies on surface and pore size characteristics of different MCM-48 silica materials / M. Thommes, R. Kohn, M. Froba 259<br/>29 Synthesis and characterisation of ordered mesoporous MCM-41 materials [et al.] / J. L. Blin, G. Herrier, C. Otjacques 269<br/>30 Textural and spectroscopic characterisation of vanadium MCM-41 materials - Application to gas-phase catalysis [et al.] / P. Trens, A. M. Feliu, A. Dejoz 279<br/>31 On the ordering of simple gas phases adsorbed within model microporous adsorbents [et al.] / N. Dufau, N. Floquet, J. P. Coulomb 289<br/>32 Textural and framework-confined porosity in S[superscript +]I mesoporous silica [et al.] / P. Agren, M. Linden, P. Trens 297<br/>33 Use of immersion calorimetry to evaluate the separation ability of carbon molecular sieves / C. G. de Salazar, A. Sepulveda-Escribano, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso 303<br/>34 Molecular simulations and measurement of adsorption in porous carbon nanotubes [et al.] / E. Alain, Y. F. Yin, T. J. Mays 313<br/>35 Application of the [alpha][subscript 5] method for analysing benzene, dichloromethane and methanol isotherms determined on molecular sieve and superactivated carbons / P. J. M. Carrott, M. M. L. Ribeiro Carrott, I. P. P. Cansado 323<br/>36 Characterisation of porous carbonaceous sorbents using high pressure-high temperature adsorption data / G. De Weireld, M. Frere, R. Jadot 333<br/>37 Influence of the porous structure of activated carbon on adsorption from binary liquid mixtures / A. Derylo-Marczewska, J. Goworek, A. Swiatkowski <br/>38 Adsorption mechanism of water on carbon micropore with in situ small angle x-ray scattering [et al.] / T. Iiyama, M. Ruike, T. Suzuki 355<br/>39 Ultra-thin microporous carbon films / R. Petricevic, H. Probstle, J. Fricke 361<br/>40 Electrochemical investigation of carbon aerogels and their activated derivatives / H. Probstle, R. Saliger, J. Fricke 371<br/>41 Evolution of microporosity upon CO[subscript 2]-activation of carbon aerogels / R. Saliger, G. Reichenauer, J. Fricke 381<br/>42 On the determination of the micropore size distribution of activated carbons from adsorption isotherms / D. L. Valladares, G. Zgrablich, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso 391<br/>43 Role of pore size distribution in the binary adsorption kinetics of gases in activated carbon / S. Qiao, X. Hu 401<br/>44 Confined state of alcohol in carbon micropores as revealed by in situ x-ray diffraction [et al.] / T. Ohkubo, T. Iiyama, T. Suzuki 411<br/>45 Critical appraisal of the use of nitrogen adsorption for the characterisation of porous carbons [et al.] / P. L. Llewellyn, F. Rouquerol, J. Rouquerol 421<br/>46 Structural characterisation and applications of ceramic membranes for gas separations [et al.] / E. S. Kikkinides, T. A. Steriotis, A. K. Stubos 429<br/>47 SANS characterisation of mesoporous silicas having model structures / J. D. F. Ramsay, S. Kallus, E. Hoinkis 439<br/>48 Pore-scale complexity of a calcareous material by time-controlled mercury porosimetry / A. Cerepi, L. Humbert, R. Burlot 449<br/>49 SANS analysis of anisotropic pore structures in alumina membranes [et al.] / L. Auvray, S. Kallus, G. Golemme 459<br/>50 Zeolite membranes - charcterisation and applications in gas separations [et al.] / S. Kallus, P. Langlois, G. E. Romanos 467<br/>51 A modified Horvath-Kawazoe method for micropore size analysis / C. M. Lastoskie 475<br/>52 Further evidences of the usefullness of CO[subscript 2] adsorption to characterise microporous solids / J. Garcia-Martinez, D. Cazorla-Amoros, A. Linares-Solano 485<br/>53 Interaction between menisci in adjacent pores / G. Mason, N. R. Morrow, T. J. Walsh 495<br/>54 Studies on the formation and properties of some highly ordered mesoporous solids / M. J. Hudson, P. Trens 505<br/>55 Pore structure of zeolites of type Y and pentasil as the function conditions of preparation and methods of modification [et al.] / A. V. Abramova, E. V. Slivinsky, A. A. Kubasov 515<br/>56 Characterisation of activated carbon fibers by positron annihilation life-time spectroscopy (PALS) [et al.] / D. Lozano-Castello, D. Cazorla-Amoros, A. Linares-Solano 523<br/>57 Investigation of the textural characteristics and their impact on in vitro dissolution of spray dried drug product size fractions / H. Elmaleh, M. Sautel, F. Leveiller 533<br/>58 The response function method as a novel technique to determine the dielectric permittivity of highly porous materials / S. Geis, B. Muller, J. Fricke 545<br/>59 Mesopore characterisation by positron annihilation [et al.] / T. Goworek, B. Jasinska, J. Wawryszczuk 557<br/>60 Characterisation of vanadia-doped silica aerogels / U. Klett, J. Fricke 565<br/>61 Shear strength of mineral filter cakes / O. Ozcan, M. Ruhland, W. Stahl 573<br/>62 A frequency-response study of diffusion and adsorption of C[subscript 1]-C[subscript 5] alkanes and acetylene in zeolites / Gy. Onyestyak, J. Valyon, L. V. C. Rees 587<br/>63 Novel Mn-based mesoporous mixed oxidic solids [et al.] / V. N. Stathopoulos, D. E. Petrakis, M. Hudson 593<br/>64 Mercury porosimetry applied to precipitated silica / R. Pirard, J.-P. Pirard 603<br/>65 Synthesis and textural properties of amorphous silica-aluminas [et al.] / C. Rizzo, A. Carati, M. Tagliabue 613<br/>66 Porous texture modifications of a series of silica and silica-alumina hydrogels and xerogels: A thermoporometry study / J. P. Reymond, J. F. Quinson 623<br/>67 Comparison of specific surface areas of a micronised drug substance as determined by different techniques / M. Sautel, H. Elmaleh, F. Leveiller 633<br/>68 Investigation on the surface properties of pure of pure and alkali or alkaline earth metal doped ceria / I. Pashalidis, C. R. Theocharis 643<br/>69 Comparison of the porosity evaluation results based on immersion calorimetry and gravimetric sorption measurements for activated chars from a high volatile bituminous coal [et al.] / A. Albiniak, E. Broniek, M. Jasienko-Halat 653<br/>70 Measuring permeability and modulus of aerogels using dynamic pressurisation in an autoclave / J. Gross 663<br/> Author Index 671<br/> Other volumes in series |