25 need-to-know management ratios
WALSH, Ciaran
25 need-to-know management ratios Ciaran Walsh and Stuart Warner - Harlow Pearson 2015 - 166 p.
Includes index.
9781292016399 (pbk) 9781292016412(pdf) 9781292016405 (eText) 9781292016429 (ePub)
Ratio analysis
Management --Statistical methods
25 need-to-know management ratios Ciaran Walsh and Stuart Warner - Harlow Pearson 2015 - 166 p.
Includes index.
9781292016399 (pbk) 9781292016412(pdf) 9781292016405 (eText) 9781292016429 (ePub)
Ratio analysis
Management --Statistical methods