Midlands State University Library

Science and human behavior.

SKINNER Burrhus Frederic 1904-1990.

Science and human behavior. F. B. Skinner - New York, Macmillan 1953 - 461 p. - A Free Press paperback .

Includes an index

Section 1: The possibility of a science of human behavior. Can science help? ; A science of behavior ; Why organisms behave -- Section 2: The analysis of behavior. Reflexes and conditioned reflexes ; Operant behavior ; Shaping and maintaining operant behavior ; Operant discrimination ; The controlling environment ; Deprivation and sanitation ; Emotion ; Aversion, avoidance, anxiety ; Punishment ; Function versus aspect ; The analysis of complex cases -- Section 3: The individual as a whole. "Self-control" ; Thinking ; Private events in a natural science ; The self -- Section 4: The behavior of people in groups. Social behavior ; Personal control ; Group control -- Section 5: Controlling agencies. Government and law ; Religion ; Psychotherapy ; Economic control ; Education -- Section 6: The control of human behavior. Culture and control ; Designing a culture ; The problem of control.

A detailed study of scientific theories of human nature and the possible ways in which human behavior can be predicted and controlled.

0029290406 9780029290408

Behaviorism (Psychology)
