Advances in banking technology and management :
RAVI, Vadlamani
Advances in banking technology and management : impacts of ICT and CRM Vadlamani Ravi - Hershey : Information Science Reference ; 2008 - 362 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781599046754 (hbk) 9781599046778 (ebook)
Banks and banking--Automation
Banks and banking--Technological innovations
Financial services industry--Technological innovations
Advances in banking technology and management : impacts of ICT and CRM Vadlamani Ravi - Hershey : Information Science Reference ; 2008 - 362 p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781599046754 (hbk) 9781599046778 (ebook)
Banks and banking--Automation
Banks and banking--Technological innovations
Financial services industry--Technological innovations