Midlands State University Library

An introduction to food and beverage studies /

Magris, Marzia

An introduction to food and beverage studies / created by Marzia Magris and Cathy McCreery; illustrated y Rita Magris. - 294 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliography and an index

1. An introduction to the hospitality industry 2. A day in the life of a restaurant 3. The menu 4. Purchasing and storage 5. The kitchen

This textbook has been designed for students taking vocational courses in Hospitality Studies in years 11 and 12 at secondary colleges or introductory cources at TAFE level. The previous edition of this book was entitled "An Introduction to Catering"

8175120207 9781862504547

Food service--Australia
Quantity cooking
Caterers and catering--Australia