Introduction to systems analysis and design : a structured approach /
Kendall, Penny, A.
Introduction to systems analysis and design : a structured approach / created by Penny A. Kendall. - Third edition - xvii, 686 pages : illustrations; 25cm
Includes Bibliographic Index.
Part I Concepts: overview. Part 2 Analysis: analysis phase; fact-gathering techniques; data dictionary; data flow diagrams; process description; database definition; system modelling; completion of the analysis phase. Part 3 Design: the design phase; structure charts; design methodology; the user interface; completion of the design phase. Part 4 Construction and maintenance. Part 5 Full life cycle activities: project planning and control; interpersonal communication.
Covers up-to-date tools of structural analysis and design, while presenting traditional techniques such as interviewing and forms design. The book aims to create an integrated methodology by combining the best elements of new and traditional technologies.
Systems analysis.
T58.6 KEN
Introduction to systems analysis and design : a structured approach / created by Penny A. Kendall. - Third edition - xvii, 686 pages : illustrations; 25cm
Includes Bibliographic Index.
Part I Concepts: overview. Part 2 Analysis: analysis phase; fact-gathering techniques; data dictionary; data flow diagrams; process description; database definition; system modelling; completion of the analysis phase. Part 3 Design: the design phase; structure charts; design methodology; the user interface; completion of the design phase. Part 4 Construction and maintenance. Part 5 Full life cycle activities: project planning and control; interpersonal communication.
Covers up-to-date tools of structural analysis and design, while presenting traditional techniques such as interviewing and forms design. The book aims to create an integrated methodology by combining the best elements of new and traditional technologies.
Systems analysis.
T58.6 KEN