Midlands State University Library

Personnel management a human resource system approach

Burack, Elmer H.

Personnel management a human resource system approach created by Elmer H Burack and Robert D Smith - New York John Wiley and Sons 1982 - 609 pages - (Wiley Series in Management) .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Chapter 1 The personnel function: change and newer views, 2 - Human resource trends: the exrnal labor market picture, 3 - Why people work: the exchange, 4 - Establishing human-resource needs, 5 - Recruitment and selection, 6 - Job analysis: a system view, 7 - Job evaluation, 8 - Compensation: a human resource perspective, 9 - Work design and enrichment, 10 - Unions and their impact on human resource management, 11 - Health, safety, and work conditions, 12 - Communication and human resource management, 13 - Performance appraisal, 14 - Human resource information systems, 15 - Career planning and management, 16 - Learning theory and employee training, 17 - Management development, 18 - Organization development and personnel research, Index.

Throughout the book, pragmatism is interwoven with theory.Personnel management information systems, assessment centers, change management, human resource planning, career design, and management development are some of the most important, recent human resource tools discussed in detail.


Personnel management