Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul
CANFIELD, Jack...[et al.]
Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes and friends Jack Canfield - Deerfield Beach Health Communications, Inc 1998 - 403 p.
1558745726 (hbk) 1558745718 (pbk)
Pets --Anecdotes
Pet owners--Anecdotes
Human--Animal relationships--Anecdotes
Chicken soup for the pet lover's soul stories about pets as teachers, healers, heroes and friends Jack Canfield - Deerfield Beach Health Communications, Inc 1998 - 403 p.
1558745726 (hbk) 1558745718 (pbk)
Pets --Anecdotes
Pet owners--Anecdotes
Human--Animal relationships--Anecdotes