Midlands State University Library

Comparative education :

Hans, Nicholas

Comparative education : a study of educational factors and traditions created by Nicholas Hans - London Routledge and Kegan Paul 1958 - 333 pages - International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Definition and Scope of Comparative Education. Part 1: Natural Factors. 2 The Racial Factor. 3 The Linguistic Factor. 4 Geographic and Economic Factors. Part 2: Religious Factors 5 Religious Traditions of Europe 6 The Catholic Tradition 7 The Anglican Tradition 8 The Puritan Tradition Part 3: Secular Factors 9 Humanism 10 Socialism 11 Nationalism 12 Democracy and Education Part 4: Education in Four Democracies 13 The Educational System of England. 14 The Educational System of the USA. 15 The Educational System of France. 16 The Educational System of the USSR. Conclusion. Bibliography. Index.
