Collaborative learning in mathematics:
SWAN, Malcolm
Collaborative learning in mathematics: a challenge to our beliefs and practices Malcolm Swan - London NRDC 2006 - 366 p. CD-ROM
Includes index and bibliographical references.
186201311X (pbk) 1862013160 (hbk) 9781862013117 (pbk) 9781862013162 (hbk)
Mathematics--Study and teaching (secondary)--Research
Mathematics teachers--Psychology
Collaborative learning in mathematics: a challenge to our beliefs and practices Malcolm Swan - London NRDC 2006 - 366 p. CD-ROM
Includes index and bibliographical references.
186201311X (pbk) 1862013160 (hbk) 9781862013117 (pbk) 9781862013162 (hbk)
Mathematics--Study and teaching (secondary)--Research
Mathematics teachers--Psychology