Midlands State University Library

Strategic human resource management

Das, Pulak

Strategic human resource management a resource driven perspective Pulak Das - New Dehli Cengage learning 2011 - 484 pages.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part I Environment, profitability, and strategic resources, II - Design and execution of HR functions for competitive advantage, III - Selective business strategies and HR functions.

Strategic human resource management as the name suggests examines the strategic and planning importance of the management of human resources. Among a company's various productive assets, employee skills, competencies and commitments are the most valuable ones. These help a company in building its competitive position.This book Strategic Human Resource Management: A Resource Driven Perspective is written entirely on the experiences and practices of business organizations operating in India.

9788131511480 8131511480

Personnel management
Labour productivity
Strategic planning--Human resources

HF5549.A3 DAS