Midlands State University Library

Effect of optimized structure and electronic properties of some benzimidazole derivatives on corrosion inhibition of mild steel in hydrochloric acid medium : electrochemical and theoretical studies /

Dutta, Alokdut

Effect of optimized structure and electronic properties of some benzimidazole derivatives on corrosion inhibition of mild steel in hydrochloric acid medium : electrochemical and theoretical studies / created by Alokdut Dutta, Sujit Sankar Panja, M. M. Nandi and Dipankar Sukul - Journal of chemical sciences Volume 127, number 5, .

The corrosion inhibitive action of a few benzimidazole derivatives namely 2-(benzamido) ethylbenzimidazole (BAEBI), 2-(β-benzenesulphonamido) ethylbenzimidazole (BSAEBI), 2-(benzamido) methylbenzimidazole (BAMBI) and 2-(β-benzenesulphonamido) methylbenzimidazole (BSAMBI), towards mild steel in hydrochloric acid has been studied using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) methods. The results show that these compounds get adsorbed on the mild steel surface following Temkin adsorption isotherm, and act as mixed-type inhibitors. The inhibition efficiencies are found to follow the order, BAEBI > BSAEBI > BAMBI > BSAMBI. This observation is explained in terms of chain length, relative effects of amido and sulphonamido groups, possible structural factors, spatial orientations, energy gap between the frontier molecular orbitals, different intrinsic molecular parameters, like, global hardness and softness, and number of electrons transferred.


Adsorption--Electrochemical techniques--Corrosion inhibition