Midlands State University Library

Expression of expansin genes in the pulp and the dehiscence zone of ripening durian (Durio zibethinus) fruit

Palapol, Yossapol

Expression of expansin genes in the pulp and the dehiscence zone of ripening durian (Durio zibethinus) fruit created by Yossapol Palapol, Sutin Kunyamee, Monthatip Thongkhum, Saichol Ketsa, Ian B Ferguson and Wouter G. van Doorn - Journal of plant physiology Volume 182 .

Durian (Durio zibethinus) fruit was harvested at the commercially mature stage and stored at 25 °C. Durian fruit have 3–5 longitudinal dehiscence zones (DZs) in the peel, which are up to 40 cm long and 2 cm thick in large fruit. Dehiscence started a week after harvest, was hastened by exogenous ethylene, and delayed by 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), showing that it is regulated by endogenous ethylene. Three genes encoding α-expansins (DzEXP1-3) were isolated. In the expression of these genes increased, prior to dehiscence. Pulp firmness decreased during storage. The decrease was hastened by ethylene and delayed by 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). Exogenous ethylene promoted gene expression of DzEXP1 both in the DZs and in the pulp. It had a smaller effect on DzEXP2 in the zones and pulp, but did not affect DzEXP3 expression. 1-MCP inhibited the expression of DzEXP1 and, somewhat less, of DzEXP2, but did not affect DzEXP3 expression, both in DZs and pulp. It is concluded that the close relationship between expression of DzEXP1 and DzEXP2 and both dehiscence and fruit softening suggests that these genes are involved in both processes.



QK711.2 JOU