Midlands State University Library

Differential accumulation of glycinebetaine and choline monooxygenase in bladder hairs and lamina leaves of Atriplex gmelini under high salinity

Tsutsumi, Koichi

Differential accumulation of glycinebetaine and choline monooxygenase in bladder hairs and lamina leaves of Atriplex gmelini under high salinity created by Koichi Tsutsumi, Nana Yamada, Suriyan Cha-um, Yoshito Tanaka and Teruhiro Takabe - Journal of plant physiology Volume 176 .

Atriplex gmelini is a halophyte and possesses bladder hairs on the leaf surface. It is also known to accumulate the osmoprotectant glycinebetaine (GB). However, it remains unclear whether GB and its biosynthetic enzyme choline monooxygenase (CMO) accumulate in the bladder hairs. Microscopic observation of young leaves showed many bladder hairs on their surfaces, but their total number decreased along with leaf maturity. Sodium Green fluorescent approach revealed Na+ accumulation in bladder cells of young leaves when A. gmelini was grown at high salinity (250 mM NaCl). Due to fewer bladder hairs in mature leaves, Na+ accumulation was mostly found in mesophyll cells of mature leaves under high salinity. GB accumulation was found at significant level in both bladder- and laminae-cells without any addition of NaCl and its content increased at high salinity. CMO was not found in bladder hairs or young leaf laminae. Instead, the CMO protein expression was observed in mature leaves and that showed increased accumulation with increasing concentration of NaCl. Furthermore, in situ hybridization experiments revealed the expression of a transporter gene for GB, AgBetT, in the bladder hairs. Based on these results, the synthesis and translocation of GB in A. gmelini were discussed.


Bladder hairs

QK711.2 JOU