Midlands State University Library

Renewable energy finance : theory and practice /

Raikar, Santosh,

Renewable energy finance : theory and practice / created by Santosh Raikar and Seabron Adamson. - xvi, 282 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Financing the new energy economy -- 2. Public policy mechanisms to support renewable energy -- 3. Basic project finance concepts -- 4. Modeling project cash flows and debt service -- 5. Renewable project finance structures and risk allocation -- 6. Tax structures for financing renewable energy projects in the U.S -- 7. Financing distributed generation projects -- 8. Renewable energy in power markets -- 9. Managing transmission costs and risks for renewable projects -- 10. Alternative off-take strategies and managing merchant risks -- 11. Project development and valuation -- 12. Energy storage financing: opportunities and challenges -- 13. Renewable energy finance in the international context.

"[This book] integrates the special characteristics of renewable energy with key elements of project finance. Through a mixture of fundamental analysis and real-life examples, readers learn how renewable energy project finance works in actual deals that mix finance, public policy, legal, engineering and environmental issues. The skills developed in analyzing non-recourse cash flow-based finance are applicable not only to green energy, but also apply more widely in project finance and infrastructure investing"--Back cover.

9780128164419 0128164417

Clean energy industries--Finance.--United States
Renewable energy sources--United States.
Power resources--United States.
Environmental economics--United States.
Clean energy industries--Finance.
Environmental economics.
Power resources.
Renewable energy sources.

HD9502.5.C543 RAI