From Premack to PECS: 25 years of progress in communication intervention for individuals with developmental disabilities
Sigafoos, Jeff
From Premack to PECS: 25 years of progress in communication intervention for individuals with developmental disabilities created by Jeff Sigafoos - An international journal of experimental educational psychology Volume 25, number 6, .
Educational and behavioural psychologists have made major contributions to the field of communication intervention for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. A brief personal perspective is provided on some of the major works and contributors that have shaped the field over the past 25 years. Major contributions and personal influences include: (a) David Premack and other ape-language researchers; (b) Reichle's work on graphic-mode communication; (c) Bondy and Frost's Picture-Exchange Communication System; and (d) a chance encounter with some unused communication devices. The advances made over the past 25 years in this area have been dramatic and have enabled many non-speaking individuals with developmental and physical disabilities to communicate more effectively.
Physical disabilities--Communication disorders--Developmental disabilities
LB1051 EDU
From Premack to PECS: 25 years of progress in communication intervention for individuals with developmental disabilities created by Jeff Sigafoos - An international journal of experimental educational psychology Volume 25, number 6, .
Educational and behavioural psychologists have made major contributions to the field of communication intervention for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. A brief personal perspective is provided on some of the major works and contributors that have shaped the field over the past 25 years. Major contributions and personal influences include: (a) David Premack and other ape-language researchers; (b) Reichle's work on graphic-mode communication; (c) Bondy and Frost's Picture-Exchange Communication System; and (d) a chance encounter with some unused communication devices. The advances made over the past 25 years in this area have been dramatic and have enabled many non-speaking individuals with developmental and physical disabilities to communicate more effectively.
Physical disabilities--Communication disorders--Developmental disabilities
LB1051 EDU