Midlands State University Library

Essentials of radiologic physics and imaging

Johnston, James N.

Essentials of radiologic physics and imaging created by James N. Johnston- PhD, RT(R)(RV), FASRTProfessor Radiologic sciences, Dean of the Robert D. & Carol Gunn College of Health Sciences and Human services, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas and Terri L. Fauber- EdD, RT(R)(M) Associate Professor and Radiography Program Director, Department of radiation sciences, School of Allied Health Professions, VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, Virginia - Third edition - xi, 269 pages : ill. (some coloured) ; 24 cm.

Includes references and an index

Section 1: Principles of radiation physics. Structure of the atom -- Electromagnetic and particulate radiation -- X-ray circuit -- X-ray tube -- X-ray production -- X-ray interactions with matter -- Section 2: Image production and evaluation. Image prodcution -- Image quality and characteristics -- Radiographic exposure technique -- Scatter control -- Image receptors -- Exposure technique selection -- Section 3: Specialized radiographic equipment. Image intensified fluoroscopy -- Additional equipment -- Computed tomography.


Diagnostic imaging.
Radiography, Medical.

RC78.7.D53 JOH