Midlands State University Library

Email forum usage as an identity maintenance strategy for educators working with pupils with special educational needs

Crisp, Richard J.

Email forum usage as an identity maintenance strategy for educators working with pupils with special educational needs created by Richard J. Crisp Ann Lewis and Christopher Robertson - An international journal of experimental educational psychology Volume 26 , number 5, .

The moves towards the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) into mainstream settings places particular responsibilities on SEN educators in these schools, who are charged with both meeting such pupils' individual needs and promoting more inclusive contexts. The resultant tensions may be reflected in how SEN educators see their professional identities. We studied the determinants of SEN educators' usage of a professional email forum, one unrestricted support and information mechanism for SEN coordinators. Drawing on social psychological identity theory we predicted the usage of a professional email forum by SEN educators. We hypothesised that particular characteristics of SEN educators, relating to how they regard their professional identity, would predict the usage of the forum. An email forum survey comprising Likert-style questions to assess identification, prototypicality, and forum usage was completed by 130 SEN educators. We found use of the forum was highest when users felt they were not central members of their professional group, but at the same time this group was important to their identities. We discuss these findings in relation to the policy and practice of educational inclusion.


Electronic mail--Inclusive schools--Special needs students

LB1051 EDU