Midlands State University Library

Implementation of an asynchronous workshop for STEM educators designed to enhance professor-student rapport

Christe, Barbara

Implementation of an asynchronous workshop for STEM educators designed to enhance professor-student rapport created by Barbara Christe - Journal on excellence in college teaching Volume 26, number 4 , .

Expanding faculty buy-in to retention efforts may be improved through training and opportunities for assessment. Materials created for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) faculty based on the scholarly literature may dispel the view held by some that student attrition is beneficial to STEM disciplines and may expand an understanding of the importance of professor-student rapport. The author explores the scholarly evidence associated with student retention, literature related to the role of faculty members in academic success, and the Wilson-Ryan Rapport Scale. She describes the implementation of a workshop at one midwestern urban university, including the creation of training materials, implementation, and participant feedback. The application of the Wilson-Ryan Rapport Scale as a method of closed loop assessment is explored.


Program implementation--Workshops--Asynchronous communication

LB1778 JOU