Sustainability matters for undergraduate teaching and learning
Fry, Catherine L.
Sustainability matters for undergraduate teaching and learning created Fry, Catherine L.; Wei, Cynthia A. - Journal on excellence in college teaching Volume 26, number 3 , .
A growing body of evidence shows that infusing sustainability into undergraduate courses and programs can simultaneously benefit institutional goals, student learning outcomes, and society at large. In addition to being a globally relevant and urgent topic, sustainability can enhance learning of disciplinary concepts and development of broad 21st-century competencies. The authors examine the rationale for infusing sustainability into undergraduate teaching and learning and conclude by offering examples and resources for doing so.
Sustainability--Instructional innovation--Undergraduate students
LB1778 JOU
Sustainability matters for undergraduate teaching and learning created Fry, Catherine L.; Wei, Cynthia A. - Journal on excellence in college teaching Volume 26, number 3 , .
A growing body of evidence shows that infusing sustainability into undergraduate courses and programs can simultaneously benefit institutional goals, student learning outcomes, and society at large. In addition to being a globally relevant and urgent topic, sustainability can enhance learning of disciplinary concepts and development of broad 21st-century competencies. The authors examine the rationale for infusing sustainability into undergraduate teaching and learning and conclude by offering examples and resources for doing so.
Sustainability--Instructional innovation--Undergraduate students
LB1778 JOU