Midlands State University Library

A rejoinder on Australia’s export promotion programs/

Brewer, Paul

A rejoinder on Australia’s export promotion programs/ created by - Australian journal of management Volume 35, number 1 .

My article on Australia’s export promotion program objectives appeared in the previous issue of the Australian Journal of Management (Brewer, 2009). It reported on and discussed Austrade’s failure to reach the Government’s goal of doubling the number of Australian exporters over the period 2002–03 to 2006–07. My article was accompanied by a response from Austrade’s Chief Economist, Mr Tim Harcourt (Harcourt, 2009). I am grateful to the AJM for this opportunity to respond to Mr Harcourt’s comments. In this rejoinder I would like to address both the specific points made about my article by Tim Harcourt (referred to as TH from hereon) in his note and also his more general statements on Austrade’s doubling exporters program. © The Author(s) 2010


Export Market Development Grants--International exports--Australia--Rejoinder