Midlands State University Library

Breaking the silence : school counsellors’ experiences of client suicide/

Christianson, Carley L.

Breaking the silence : school counsellors’ experiences of client suicide/ created by Carley L. Christianson and Robin D. Everall - British journal of guidance and counselling Volume 37, number 2 .

School counselling is a unique discipline involving the provision of personal, social, and educational counselling to youth in schools. Since school counsellors work closely with at-risk children and adolescents they frequently encounter suicidal youth as clients. In this study, a qualitative grounded theory method was used to explore school counsellors’ experiences of client suicide. Four themes were identified from participants’ interviews: Taming the Control Beast; Wearing the Mask; Interpreting the Dance; Staying in the Game. The impact on participants’ personal and professional lives is discussed within the context on how they processed their experiences of loss.


Client suicide--School counsellors--Students

LB1027.5 BRI