Midlands State University Library

Career guidance in Wales : retrospect and prospect/

Clark, Mike

Career guidance in Wales : retrospect and prospect/ created by Mike Clark and John Talbot - British journal of guidance and counselling Volume 34, number 1 .

Deregulation of the LEA Careers Service followed by the establishment of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999 led, through consultation, to the establishment of a bi-lingual all-age career guidance service under the banner of Careers Wales. The article traces the history of career guidance in Wales from 1974, showing how it has taken a very different path to England, gaining a positive outcome from an independent review of Careers Wales in 2004 and an accolade from the OECD. Current strengths, especially the innovative use of technology, are explored, and challenges for the future are investigated, including the contributions of other guidance providers. Priority is currently being given to the development of common pan-Wales standards. The need for a stronger research culture is recognised. Most crucial of all, in the authors’ opinion, is the maintenance of client entitlement in the face of financial restrictions.


Career guidance--Youth program--Wales

LB1027.5 BRI