Midlands State University Library

International financial management /

Madura, Jeff

International financial management / created by Jeff Madura and Roland Fox - Second edition - xxiii, 680 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

The international financial environment. Multinational financial management: an overview International flow of funds International financial markets Exchange rate determination Currency derivatives pt. ll. Exchange rate behaviour. Exchange rate history and the role of governments International arbitrage and interest rate parity Relationships among inflation, interest rates and exchange rates pt. lll. Exchange rate risk management. Forecasting exchange rates Measuring exposure to exchange rate fluctuations Managing transaction exposure Managing economic exposure and translation exposure pt. lV. Long-term asset and liability management. Foreign direct investment Multinational capital budgeting Country risk analysis Long-term financing pt. V. Short-term asset and liability management. Financing international trade Short-term financing International cash management Concluding comments

'International Financial Management' combines a strong foundation in international finance theory with current, practical applications. Cutting-edge international finance issues are presented along with a traditional treatment of international financial management


Financial management

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