Unraveling equity in HOT lane planning : A view from practice/
Weinstein, Asha
Unraveling equity in HOT lane planning : A view from practice/ created by Asha Weinstein and Gian-Claudia Sciara - Journal of planning education and research Volume 26, number 2 .
This article investigates how concern about equity has arisen in the planning and implementation of high-occupancy/toll lane projects, or so-called “HOT lanes.” Specifically, the research assesses (1) where and how equity issues have surfaced in the debate over HOT lanes and (2) how practicing planners have responded to these equity concerns. By looking explicitly at the planning process through a series of case studies and a review of newspaper coverage, the research suggests strategies for how practitioners can craft a comprehensive and meaningful framework for assessing and addressing equity issues.
Transportation planning--Hot lanes--Transportation finance
NA9000 JOU
Unraveling equity in HOT lane planning : A view from practice/ created by Asha Weinstein and Gian-Claudia Sciara - Journal of planning education and research Volume 26, number 2 .
This article investigates how concern about equity has arisen in the planning and implementation of high-occupancy/toll lane projects, or so-called “HOT lanes.” Specifically, the research assesses (1) where and how equity issues have surfaced in the debate over HOT lanes and (2) how practicing planners have responded to these equity concerns. By looking explicitly at the planning process through a series of case studies and a review of newspaper coverage, the research suggests strategies for how practitioners can craft a comprehensive and meaningful framework for assessing and addressing equity issues.
Transportation planning--Hot lanes--Transportation finance
NA9000 JOU