Deciphering the need in housing markets : a technique to identify appropriate housing policies at the local level/
McClure, Kirk
Deciphering the need in housing markets : a technique to identify appropriate housing policies at the local level/ created by Kirk McClure - Journal of planning education and research Volume 24, number 4 .
Planners need straightforward tools to guide them toward the selection of appropriate strategies for resolving problems of housing affordability in their communities. Planners should use these tools to update their consolidated plans periodically, assessing the fit between the community's housing market conditions and the intervention strategies selected. Research suggests that planners often fail to select strategies that fit the conditions in their markets. This article offers a relatively uncomplicated technique designed to use census data to aid planners and local decision makers in better understanding the nature of the housing problem in each market sector.
Housing policy--Housing affordability--Housing markets
NA9000 JOU
Deciphering the need in housing markets : a technique to identify appropriate housing policies at the local level/ created by Kirk McClure - Journal of planning education and research Volume 24, number 4 .
Planners need straightforward tools to guide them toward the selection of appropriate strategies for resolving problems of housing affordability in their communities. Planners should use these tools to update their consolidated plans periodically, assessing the fit between the community's housing market conditions and the intervention strategies selected. Research suggests that planners often fail to select strategies that fit the conditions in their markets. This article offers a relatively uncomplicated technique designed to use census data to aid planners and local decision makers in better understanding the nature of the housing problem in each market sector.
Housing policy--Housing affordability--Housing markets
NA9000 JOU