Midlands State University Library

Investigating consumer behavioural intention to utilise digital signage/

Hough, Michelle

Investigating consumer behavioural intention to utilise digital signage/ created by Michelle Hough, Young Han Bae and Jong Woo Jun - International journal of internet marketing and advertising Volume 10, number 4 .

This study investigates the effects of motivational factors Uses and Gratifications (U&G) dimensions on the behavioural intention of consumers to engage with digital signage. We do so by surveying U&G patterns, behavioural intention, and demographics of a sample of 256 individuals from the general United States (US) population. We also examine the effects of consumer demographics such as gender and age on the behavioural intention to utilise digital signage for segmentation and targeting purposes. We found users engage with digital signage for the purpose of acquiring convenient information and benefit but not for the purpose of entertainment. Additionally, while gender does not impact intentionality, age does influence intent to engage. There was higher intentionality in older adults than in younger ones. These results provide important insights to marketing managers regarding maximising the effectiveness of content and investment in digital signage.


Advertising--Behavioural intention to use digital signage--Signage

HF5415.1265 INT