Co-consumption and co-production inside a brand community : a socio-cognitive perspective/
Sukoco, Badri Munir
Co-consumption and co-production inside a brand community : a socio-cognitive perspective/ created by Badri Munir Sukoco, Wann-Yih Wu and Hsih-Hsien Liu - International journal of internet marketing and advertising Volume 10, number 1/2 .
This study adopts social cognitive theory to investigate knowledge sharing behaviour, co-consumption and co-production, among members inside a brand community. Moreover, this study proposes that members of such community form two general expectations from the community, self-related and socially related expectations. Responses from members of the Wii community indicate that markers of brand community as an environmental factor form members' expectations and enact knowledge sharing behaviour. Further, the results exhibit that socially related expectations positively influence knowledge sharing behaviour, while self-related expectations have opposite effects. In summary, this study demonstrates the relevance of brand community markers and members' expectations which provides a new perspective of knowledge sharing behaviour.
Markers of a brand community--Social cognitive theory--Self-related expectations
HF5415.1265 INT
Co-consumption and co-production inside a brand community : a socio-cognitive perspective/ created by Badri Munir Sukoco, Wann-Yih Wu and Hsih-Hsien Liu - International journal of internet marketing and advertising Volume 10, number 1/2 .
This study adopts social cognitive theory to investigate knowledge sharing behaviour, co-consumption and co-production, among members inside a brand community. Moreover, this study proposes that members of such community form two general expectations from the community, self-related and socially related expectations. Responses from members of the Wii community indicate that markers of brand community as an environmental factor form members' expectations and enact knowledge sharing behaviour. Further, the results exhibit that socially related expectations positively influence knowledge sharing behaviour, while self-related expectations have opposite effects. In summary, this study demonstrates the relevance of brand community markers and members' expectations which provides a new perspective of knowledge sharing behaviour.
Markers of a brand community--Social cognitive theory--Self-related expectations
HF5415.1265 INT