Young people and the digital divide
Fernandes, Carlos
Young people and the digital divide created by Carlos Fernandes, Varsha Jagdale, Jeanette Fernandes and Jason Fernandes - Commonwealth Youth and Development Volume 5, number 1 .
The world today is a product of the revolutions it has undergone, whether social, industrial or developmental. The eighteenth century's agricultural revolution was followed by the nineteenth-century industrial revolution, which was in turn followed by the twentieth century's digital revolution that continues into the new millennium. The digital revolution promises to be even more dramatic than anything we have seen before.
Young people--Digital divide--Digital revolution
HD6276.A3 COM
Young people and the digital divide created by Carlos Fernandes, Varsha Jagdale, Jeanette Fernandes and Jason Fernandes - Commonwealth Youth and Development Volume 5, number 1 .
The world today is a product of the revolutions it has undergone, whether social, industrial or developmental. The eighteenth century's agricultural revolution was followed by the nineteenth-century industrial revolution, which was in turn followed by the twentieth century's digital revolution that continues into the new millennium. The digital revolution promises to be even more dramatic than anything we have seen before.
Young people--Digital divide--Digital revolution
HD6276.A3 COM