Midlands State University Library

Strategies for green transportation while preserving mobility and accessibility : A case study of Taipei City/

Hsu, Chaug-Ing

Strategies for green transportation while preserving mobility and accessibility : A case study of Taipei City/ created by Chaug-Ing Hsu and Hsien-Mei Wang - Journal of urban pplanning and development Volume 142, number 1 .

This study develops a green index to evaluate the sustainability of different paths in urban transportation networks of origin-destination (OD) pairs. Urban transportation networks usually involve various transport modes and trips can be accomplished with more than one pattern. The basic functions of transportation, mobility and accessibility, are also explored based on travel time. This study provides strategies for Taipei City to shift smoothly to green transportation while preserving mobility and accessibility from both transport network and mode perspectives. A proposal is presented to connect activity and transportation networks by densely distributed convenience stores in Taipei. A Monte Carlo simulation of thousands of OD pairs in Taipei City is conducted to examine proposed strategies. The results indicate that for short trips, commuters can directly use motorcycles by renting and returning those at convenience stores of origins and destinations. For medium and long trips, electric motorcycles are promoted as green feeder modes to mass rapid transit stations.


Multimodal transportation--Motorcycles--Taipei (Taiwan)--Mobility