Midlands State University Library

Uses of literature /

Felski, Rita.

Uses of literature / created by Rita Felski - 154 pages : - Blackwell manifestos . - Blackwell manifestos .

Includes bibliographical references and index

Series 1; series 2; Title page; Copyright; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1 Recognition; 2 Enchantment; 3 Knowledge; 4 Shock; Conclusion; Notes; Index

Uses of Literature bridges the gap between literary theory and common-sense beliefs about why we read literature. Explores the diverse motives and mysteries of why we readOffers four different ways of thinking about why we read literature - for recognition, enchantment, knowledge, and shockArgues for a new "phenomenology" in literary studies that incorporates the historical and social dimensions of readingIncludes examples of literature from a wide range of national literary traditions


Books and reading