Midlands State University Library

Analysis of the actors influencing the use of public buses in Delhi/

Suman, Hemant K.

Analysis of the actors influencing the use of public buses in Delhi/ created by Hemant K. Suman, Nomesh B. Bolia and Geetam Tiwar - Journal of urban planning and development Volume 142, number 3 .

Many people use public bus transport to commute to work in Delhi. The mode share of the bus trip has reduced from 60% in 2001 to 41% today. Only 3% of this population shifted to the Delhi metro (57% of metro users are cannibalized from buses); hence, it is clear that there is a drastic increase in the use of private vehicles in Delhi. If a high share of bus trips has to be retained in the future, specific policy interventions may be required based on the needs and perceptions of commuters. In this study, a survey of existing bus commuters is conducted, and their profile and perceptions are recorded. It is clear that vehicle ownership has a positive correlation with household income. Responses also reveal with a strong statistical significance that crowding is an attribute that inhibits people from using public buses, and buses are perceived to be relatively safer and more secure by male commuters than their female counterparts.


User profile--Public bus transport--Trip profile