Research-informed curriculum design for a master’s-level program in project management/
Bentley, Yongmei
Research-informed curriculum design for a master’s-level program in project management/ created by Yongmei Bentley, Diane Richardson, Yanqing Duan, Elly Philpott, Vincent Ong and David Owen - Journal of management education Volume 37, number 5 .
This article reports on the application of Research-Informed Curriculum Design (RICD) for the development and implementation of an MSc Program in Project Management. The research focused on contemporary issues in project management and provided an analysis of project management approaches, tools, and techniques currently used in organizations. Research methods included a literature review, questionnaire survey, focus group studies, and in-depth interviews with project managers. The research findings led to better understanding of current practice from project managers’ perspectives and informed the curriculum design of the program. Feedback was obtained from external examiners, project managers, alumni, and current students. Evaluation indicates that the RICD approach has produced a successful program and ensured it is relevant to industry and vocationally attractive to students.
Research informed--Project management--Curriculum design
Research-informed curriculum design for a master’s-level program in project management/ created by Yongmei Bentley, Diane Richardson, Yanqing Duan, Elly Philpott, Vincent Ong and David Owen - Journal of management education Volume 37, number 5 .
This article reports on the application of Research-Informed Curriculum Design (RICD) for the development and implementation of an MSc Program in Project Management. The research focused on contemporary issues in project management and provided an analysis of project management approaches, tools, and techniques currently used in organizations. Research methods included a literature review, questionnaire survey, focus group studies, and in-depth interviews with project managers. The research findings led to better understanding of current practice from project managers’ perspectives and informed the curriculum design of the program. Feedback was obtained from external examiners, project managers, alumni, and current students. Evaluation indicates that the RICD approach has produced a successful program and ensured it is relevant to industry and vocationally attractive to students.
Research informed--Project management--Curriculum design