Midlands State University Library

Understanding the pace, scale and pattern of firm internationalization : an extension of the 'born global' concept

Taylor, Murray

Understanding the pace, scale and pattern of firm internationalization : an extension of the 'born global' concept created by Murray Taylor and Robert Jack - International small business journal Volume 31, number 6 .

Since the growth of the ‘born global’ concept, much of the established literature has tended to overlook the development of its characteristics outside high technology sectors. To further enhance our understanding of this phenomenon, this article draws on the ‘born global’ literature to identify common internationalization behaviours with which rapidly internationalizing firms are involved. Six propositions are developed related to the key dimensions of pace, scale and pattern of firm internationalization. The results from a comprehensive case study of four non-high-tech Australian ‘born global’ firms suggest that entrepreneurial interpretation is a factor in determining the pace with which a firm internationalizes. Other key implications include the importance of product imitability in assessing the extent of a firm’s international operations, the significance of psychic distance in the assessment of prospective international markets, and that entry mode choice is influenced by the prevailing trends established in each firm’s industry and the need to maximize its internal resources.


International strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)--Rapid internationalization--Born-global firms
