Midlands State University Library

Athens rising

Douzinas Costas

Athens rising created Costas Douzinas - European Urban and Regional Studies Volume 20, number 1 .

. In this paper, it is argued that most of the research inspired by the post-foundational political perspective aims either at describing particular instances of spatial politics as suffering from the 'postpolitical condition' (Phil Allmendinger & Haughton, 2012;MacLeod, 2013;Raco, 2014Raco, , 2015Swyngedouw, 2009) or either at searching for instances of the 'properly political' in all kind of resistance movements (e.g. Occupy, the Arab Spring, etc.) (Badiou & Elliott, 2012;Davidson & Iveson, 2014;Douzinas, 2011Douzinas, , 2013aDouzinas, , 2013bSwyngedouw, 2014). In contrast to approaches privileging one or the other side of this 'political difference', this paper aims to explore a more relational approach, searching for political dynamics in the interface between ongoing attempts at depoliticisation and properly political practices


Athens rising