Midlands State University Library

Re-scaling ‘EU’rope: EU macro-regional fantasies in the Mediterranean

Bialasiewicz, Luiza

Re-scaling ‘EU’rope: EU macro-regional fantasies in the Mediterranean created by Luiza Bialasiewicz, Paolo Giaccaria, Alun Jones and Claudio Minca - European Urban and Regional Studies Volume 20, number 1 .

This article engages with the most recent spatial fantasy for the making of ‘EU’ropean space: the idea of trans-European macro-regions, currently in vogue in the policy literature. In particular, we focus on the imaginings of a Mediterranean macro-region as the latest incarnation of the macro-regional fad, but also as a useful prism for reflecting on some of the underlying conceptual as well as political and geopolitical challenges of the on-going remaking and rescaling of ‘EU’ropean space. We argue that, although there exists by now a vast literature by geographers and other scholars that engages with the production of ‘EU’ropean spaces through regionalization, the policy literature generated by EU ‘macro-regional experts’ appears to entirely ignore these debates, professing an understanding of regions that is a conceptual pastiche at best, and that entirely occludes the political and geopolitical implications of region-making within, at, and beyond ‘EU’rope’s borders


Re-scaling ‘EU’rope:--Mediterranean--Europe, Mediterranean--EU macro-regional fantasies