Midlands State University Library

Researching group assessment: jazz in the conservatoire/

Barratt, Elisabeth

Researching group assessment: jazz in the conservatoire/ created by Elisabeth Barrat - British journal of music education Volume 22, number 3 .

This article presents the results of research into methods and scorings for jazz assessment in Trinity College of Music, London, focusing on the possibility of introducing group assessment. It considers the advantages of group assessment methods, contrasting these with the more traditional approach, firmly established in conservatoires, of evaluating individual musicians. We question the role of jazz within the conservatoire, exploring not only the way institutions may transform jazz practice, but also the ways jazz may contribute to the evolution of higher education. The research formed part of a larger grant aimed at curricular development at Trinity College of Music. As such, we present it as an example of research's potential for immediate impact upon education policy. The project is also unusual in its use of students and instrumental professors not only as subjects of research but as participators fully involved in their own self-assessment and development.


Music Education--Evaluation Methods,--Jazz