The role of trade unions in European pension reforms: From 'old' to 'new' politics?/
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard
The role of trade unions in European pension reforms: From 'old' to 'new' politics?/ created by Bernhard Ebbinghaus - European journal of industrial relations Volume 17, number 4 .
Trade unions played a substantial role in the ‘old politics’ of expanding pension systems in Europe; they are still active in the ‘new politics’ of pension reforms. Given the electoral impact and political veto points, governments may seek to overcome reform blockage in political decision-making and implementation by seeking social consensus with trade unions and employers. Various modes of social governance in addition to political interest politics allow trade union influence: institutionalized forms of self-administration of pension insurance, self-regulation via negotiated occupational pensions, institutional consultation of interest groups and tripartite concertation (or social pacts) between government and the social partners.
Pension reform--Trade union--EU countries--Social pact
HD8371 EUR
The role of trade unions in European pension reforms: From 'old' to 'new' politics?/ created by Bernhard Ebbinghaus - European journal of industrial relations Volume 17, number 4 .
Trade unions played a substantial role in the ‘old politics’ of expanding pension systems in Europe; they are still active in the ‘new politics’ of pension reforms. Given the electoral impact and political veto points, governments may seek to overcome reform blockage in political decision-making and implementation by seeking social consensus with trade unions and employers. Various modes of social governance in addition to political interest politics allow trade union influence: institutionalized forms of self-administration of pension insurance, self-regulation via negotiated occupational pensions, institutional consultation of interest groups and tripartite concertation (or social pacts) between government and the social partners.
Pension reform--Trade union--EU countries--Social pact
HD8371 EUR