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Institutional effects on the presence of trade unions at the workplace: moderation in a multilevel setting/

Fazekas, Zoltán

Institutional effects on the presence of trade unions at the workplace: moderation in a multilevel setting/ created by Zoltán Fazekas - European journal of industrial relations Volume 17, number 2 .

Previous research has found that the presence of a union at a workplace is an important individual-level determinant of union membership. The present article, drawing on a multilevel analysis of 21 European countries, provides further evidence which nuances the conclusions of previous studies by introducing and testing institutional moderation effects. Thus, in countries with Ghent systems, having a union at workplace is less important, since probability of membership is already very high. Conversely, if there are extension mechanisms for collective agreements there is less incentive to join a trade union, and this is not compensated even when there is an active union at the workplace.


Trade unionism--Multilevel analysis--Extension mechanisms

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