Germany: the public sector in the financial and debt crisis/
Keller, Berndt
Germany: the public sector in the financial and debt crisis/ created by Berndt Keller - European journal of industrial relations Volume 19, number 4 .
In this article I analyse the changing contours of public sector employment relations in Germany during and after the financial and debt crisis. In order to understand what is distinctive in German experience and what is similar with that elsewhere, I provide a comparative perspective of selected EU member states, especially Austria. First, I describe in some detail the impact of various austerity measures on public sector employees. Second, I analyse collective consequences and challenges for corporate actors and labour market institutions, especially unions and collective bargaining. Third, I offer a brief prognosis for future developments.
Public sector--Financial and debt crisis--Germany--Austerity measures
HD8391 EUR
Germany: the public sector in the financial and debt crisis/ created by Berndt Keller - European journal of industrial relations Volume 19, number 4 .
In this article I analyse the changing contours of public sector employment relations in Germany during and after the financial and debt crisis. In order to understand what is distinctive in German experience and what is similar with that elsewhere, I provide a comparative perspective of selected EU member states, especially Austria. First, I describe in some detail the impact of various austerity measures on public sector employees. Second, I analyse collective consequences and challenges for corporate actors and labour market institutions, especially unions and collective bargaining. Third, I offer a brief prognosis for future developments.
Public sector--Financial and debt crisis--Germany--Austerity measures
HD8391 EUR