Economic crisis and the politics of public service employment relations in Italy and France/
Bordogna, Lorenzo
Economic crisis and the politics of public service employment relations in Italy and France/ created by Lorenzo Bordogna; Roberto Pedersini - European journal of industrial relations Volume 19, number 4 .
This article analyses the impact of government austerity measures on the working conditions of public employees and public sector employment relations in Italy and France. The timing and severity of these measures have differed, given the different conditions of public finances in the two countries. The impact on employment levels, wages, working conditions and pensions has generally been more pronounced in Italy than in France. The reform of public sector employment relations institutions predated the economic crisis; in Italy the aim was to limit union prerogatives and the scope of collective bargaining, in France to strengthen social dialogue institutions. But in both cases the ultimate government power to determine terms and conditions of employment unilaterally has been clearly reaffirmed.
Economic crisis--Public sector--Italy--France--Employment relations
HD8391 EUR
Economic crisis and the politics of public service employment relations in Italy and France/ created by Lorenzo Bordogna; Roberto Pedersini - European journal of industrial relations Volume 19, number 4 .
This article analyses the impact of government austerity measures on the working conditions of public employees and public sector employment relations in Italy and France. The timing and severity of these measures have differed, given the different conditions of public finances in the two countries. The impact on employment levels, wages, working conditions and pensions has generally been more pronounced in Italy than in France. The reform of public sector employment relations institutions predated the economic crisis; in Italy the aim was to limit union prerogatives and the scope of collective bargaining, in France to strengthen social dialogue institutions. But in both cases the ultimate government power to determine terms and conditions of employment unilaterally has been clearly reaffirmed.
Economic crisis--Public sector--Italy--France--Employment relations
HD8391 EUR