A critical review of the application of TCE in the interpretation of risk allocation in PPP contracts
Chang Chen-Yu
A critical review of the application of TCE in the interpretation of risk allocation in PPP contracts created by Chen-Yu Chang - Construction Management and Economics Volume31, number 1-3 .
Along with the rise of public–private partnerships (PPPs) as a mainstream procurement system, we have seen a growing interest in studies of risk allocation in these projects. One of the serious academic endeavours is to apply both transaction cost economics (TCE) and the resource-based view (RBV) to explain risk allocation patterns found in PPP projects. The existing literature along these lines is deficient in three aspects: inappropriate choice of unit of analysis; poor specification of governance structure; and misinterpretation of asset specificity. A way for improvement is to analyse risk allocation in the context of PPP procurement in its entirety.
Application of TCE--Allocation in PPP contracts--Interpretation of risk
HD9715. A1 CON
A critical review of the application of TCE in the interpretation of risk allocation in PPP contracts created by Chen-Yu Chang - Construction Management and Economics Volume31, number 1-3 .
Along with the rise of public–private partnerships (PPPs) as a mainstream procurement system, we have seen a growing interest in studies of risk allocation in these projects. One of the serious academic endeavours is to apply both transaction cost economics (TCE) and the resource-based view (RBV) to explain risk allocation patterns found in PPP projects. The existing literature along these lines is deficient in three aspects: inappropriate choice of unit of analysis; poor specification of governance structure; and misinterpretation of asset specificity. A way for improvement is to analyse risk allocation in the context of PPP procurement in its entirety.
Application of TCE--Allocation in PPP contracts--Interpretation of risk
HD9715. A1 CON