Midlands State University Library

Euler equation approach for emerging-market macro models

Guler, Bulent

Euler equation approach for emerging-market macro models - International economic journal Volume 27, number 2 .

This paper focuses on how to obtain numerical solutions to emerging-market DSGE models with occasionally binding constraints by using the Euler equation, rather than using value functions of households. The main point is that the Euler-equation approach works in a fast and simple way for a variety of recent emerging-market macro models. An important reason behind this point is that it is relatively easy to pin down the functional form of aggregate equilibrium conditions in these models. The time-iteration method is applied to Euler equations of a small open-economy with overborrowings. It is discussed how to use the Euler equation approach to recent models of sovereign debt and to show that the presence of the Laffer-curve of debt-revenues leads us to use the piecewise parameterized-expectations approach.


Euler equation appraoch--Parameterized expectations approach--Time-iteration method