Re-entering europe: does European union candidacy boost foreign direct investment?/
Clausing, Kimberly A.
Re-entering europe: does European union candidacy boost foreign direct investment?/ created by Kimberly A. Clausing and Cosmina L. Dorobantu - Economics of transition Volume 13, number 1 .
This study examines the ability of the Central and Eastern European countries to attract foreign direct investment during the first decade of transition. After considering a model of profit maximizing firms, we undertake an empirical investigation of the factors that determine multinational firms' location decisions within Europe. We find empirical support for the traditional market size and cost factors. In addition, we examine the effect of key European Union announcements regarding the accession process. Results indicate that the announcements had statistically significant and quantitatively important effects on foreign direct investment in the Central and Eastern European candidate countries
Foreign investment--EU countries--Eastern Europe
Re-entering europe: does European union candidacy boost foreign direct investment?/ created by Kimberly A. Clausing and Cosmina L. Dorobantu - Economics of transition Volume 13, number 1 .
This study examines the ability of the Central and Eastern European countries to attract foreign direct investment during the first decade of transition. After considering a model of profit maximizing firms, we undertake an empirical investigation of the factors that determine multinational firms' location decisions within Europe. We find empirical support for the traditional market size and cost factors. In addition, we examine the effect of key European Union announcements regarding the accession process. Results indicate that the announcements had statistically significant and quantitatively important effects on foreign direct investment in the Central and Eastern European candidate countries
Foreign investment--EU countries--Eastern Europe