Midlands State University Library

How Britain underdeveloped Bechuanaland Protectorate: a brief critique of the political economy of colonial Botswana/

Mogalakwe, Monageng

How Britain underdeveloped Bechuanaland Protectorate: a brief critique of the political economy of colonial Botswana/ created by Monageng Mogalakwe - Africa development Volume 31, number 1 .

Britain declared Bechuanaland a ‘protectorate’ in 1885 in a move largely driven by military strategic considerations rather than by the availability of economic resources. This can give the impression that in Botswana the process of eco- nomic underdevelopment, that is often associated with colonialism, never took place in this British ‘protectorate’. This article reveals that even in the so-called ‘protectorate’, the British colonial state policies subverted indigenous economic interests and stifled opportunities for indigenous private capital accumulation, while actively promoting the economic interests of a small white settler capitalist class.


Protectorates--Colonial influence--Botswana